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The videos below are designed to help cover different aspects of Squash57. Please ensure you have read our DISCLAIMER prior to starting any of the exercises/drills shown in the videos.


Your Lesson Structure

If you are a new coach then the beginners video may be helpful as a starting point for structuring your lessons for both racketball and squash. Each time we go on court we should have a plan as to what areas we are going to cover for the pupil. Obviously if they are a new pupil then we need to analyse were they are level wise and what they want to achieve from their coaching sessions. The video sets out how you can divide your lessons into sections. An established coach will have worked out what works best for them and the video may just be useful as a way of reflecting on what you do and why you do it.

The Forehand and Backhand

Basic coaching overview which can be used as a starter and guideline for players moving from squash to Squash57.

Working on hitting straight length and then crosscourt using targets as a visual aid.

Basic coaching overview which can be used as a starter and guideline for players moving from squash to Squash57.


Good movement around the court is so important and can be difficult for beginners and club players who have got into ’bad habits’. These drills look to create patterns for your players which will help cement movement to and from the T as well as hitting specific shots.


Basic coaching overview which can be used as a starter and guideline for players moving from squash to Squash57.


Complimenting your Squash57 Coaching